The SWAN units of service are Child Profile, Child Preparation, Child Specific Recruitment, Family Profile, Placement, Finalization and Post-permanency. These services provide children, youth and families with the preparation and support needed to sustain permanency. The services are provided by affiliate agencies that subcontract with Diakon to complete SWAN permanency work.
* Affiliate – any licensed adoption agency that subcontracts with Diakon to complete SWAN permanency work.
Reference: The Pennsylvania Statewide Adoption and Permanency Network (SWAN) bulletin # 3350-03-01 and Special Transmittal provide detailed policies and procedures regarding the definition, responsibility and implementation of each unit.
- Child Preparation
- Child Profile
- Child Specific Recruitment, CSR
- Child Placement
- Adoption Finalization
- Family Profile
- Post-permanency
- Monitoring and Budgeting Cost/Time