- County children and youth agencies;
- County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania;
- Other organizations and licensed agencies;
- Private adoption agencies;
- The prime contractor;
- The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, through the leadership of the Office of Children, Youth and Families;
- Statewide Adoption and Permanency Network Advisory Committee;
- The courts and the legal system;
- Child and parent advocacy and support groups;
- Pennsylvania State Resource Family Association;
- Parents – birth, legal, foster, pre-adoptive and adoptive;
- Pennsylvania Adoption Exchange;
- Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center; and
- SWAN Helpline (1‑800‑585‑SWAN).
You are here: Home > Welcome to the SWAN Permanency Toolkit > 03. History of SWAN > The Statewide Adoption and Permanency Network Program > Members of the Network