Site Map
- Welcome to the SWAN Permanency Toolkit
- 01. Introduction to the SWAN Permanency Toolkit
- 02. Foundations of Permanency
- 03. History of SWAN
- 04. Fundamentals in Adoption
- 05. The Adoption Process
- 06. SWAN Units of Service
- 07. Acts, Laws and Bulletins
- Acts and corresponding OCYF Bulletins
- Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act
- Adoption Opportunities Act
- Adoption and Safe Families Act
- Uninterrupted Scholars Act-Educational Stability
- Title IV of Social Security Act
- Act 68 of 2005 – Resource Family and Adoption Process Act
- Act 115 of 2016
- Act 127 of 2016
- Act 138 of 2016
- Act 75 of 2015
- Act 92 of 2015
- Act 94 of 2015
- Act 107 of 2013
- Act 16 of 2019
- Act 30 of 1991
- Act 25 of 2003 – Kinship Care Act
- Act 55 of 2013
- Act 76 of 2007
- Act 73 of 2005 – Resource Family Care Act
- Act 80 of 2012
- Act 119 of 2010 Children in Foster Care Act
- Act 91 of 2012
- Act 126 of 2006
- Act 101 of 2010
- Act 146 of 2006
- Act 115 of 2010
- Act 160 of 2004
- Laws and corresponding OCYF Bulletins
- Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act
- Foster Care Independence Act
- Indian Child Welfare Act
- Child Protective Services
- DPW regulations
- Independent Living
- Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
- Adoption Opportunities Act
- Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act
- Adoption and Safe Families Act
- Child Abuse and Prevention Treatment Act (CAPTA)
- Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act
- McKinney Vento Act
- Multi Ethnic Placement Act
- Uninterrupted Scholars Act-Educational Stability
- Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act
- Title IV of Social Security Act
- Every Student Succeeds Act
- Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act
- Juvenile Act
- Adoption Act
- Family First Prevention Services Act
- Newborn Protection Act
- Other
- Concurrent Planning
- Emergency Placements
- Permanent Legal Custody
- Shared Case Responsibility
- Child Restraints
- Certification as a Specialized Setting for Children and Youth
- Complex Case Planning
- DPW Bulletin OMHSAS 10-02
- Integrated Children’s Services
- Medical Assistance Bulletin #01-02-11
- Medical Assistance Bulletin #53-03-01
- Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Bulletin #OMSHAS-02-02
- Mental Retardation Bulletin #00-03-02
- Safety
- Notification Protocol for Formal Licensing Actions and Incidents
- Serving Child Victims of Human Trafficking in Pennsylvania
- SWAN Bulletin
- SWAN Unit of Service Payment Rates & Programmatic Changes
- SWAN Unit of Service Payment Rates & Programmatic Changes
- SWAN Unit of Service Payment Rates & Programmatic Changes
- SWAN Unit of Service Payment Rates & Programmatic Changes
- SWAN Unit of Service Payment Rates & Programmatic Changes
- Acts and corresponding OCYF Bulletins
- 08. SWAN Benchmarks & Templates
- 09. SWAN Legal Services Initiative (LSI)
- 10. Pennsylvania Adoption Exchange (PAE)
- 11. Helpline
- 12. Pennsylvania State Resource Family Association (PSRFA)
- 13. Adoption Resources
- 14. Bibliography
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- Calendar
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- Prototype – Interactive Benchmark
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- SWAN Program Components
- Attachment F
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- ppca111
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- ppca411
- ppcas111
- ppr111
- SWAN Program Components, Section E: SWAN Services, 1) Direct Services, g) Post-Permanency Services, Support Group
- fp741
- SWAN Unit of Service Payment Rates & Programmatic Changes
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