Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Bulletin #OMSHAS-02-02
effective intersystem collaboration constitute a responsibility within mental health and among all child/adolescent-serving systems. Desired outcomes can occur only when all systems, despite some differences in terminology, philosophy, and regulation, recognize the commonality of their goals and the need to collaborate toward common objectives that benefit children and adolescents and their families. For example, within the drug and alcohol system it is recognized that substance use disorders impact the functioning of the family system, and every effort is made to engage the entire family in the treatment process with informed voluntary written consent of the child or adolescent. At times, however, it may not be appropriate to include the family system due to ongoing parental substance use. Within the Juvenile Justice system, the need to protect public safety may over-ride the principle of treatment in the "least restrictive, least intrusive" setting. But these agencies, and others, are key components of the CASSP System and are crucial partners with the mental health system in achieving successful outcomes.">
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Bulletin OMHSAS-02-02