The National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) is a Federal reporting system created to track the independent living services states provide to youth and to collect outcomes information from youth transitioning out of foster care that may be used to assess states’ performance in operating their independent living programs.
Data collected from Pennsylvania’s 2010-2011 baseline:
- 1, 796 youth registered to take survey
- 78% participated
- 14% declined
- 4% unable to locate/invite
- 4% incapacitated or runaway/missing
- 1,406 youth participated in the survey
- 61% male
- 39% female
- 92% enrolled in educational setting
- 72% report no barriers to attending school
- 65% do not have a bank account
- 12% have been homeless
- 31% have been referred to drug and alcohol services
- 11% have parented a child
- 83% have an adult they can turn to (most often siblings or older relatives)
- 58% have Medical/Assistance/Medicaid/ACCESS; 50% have other health insurance
- 26% of youth with health insurance do not know if it covers mental health services